Rockhaven Resources Ltd. Announces Significant Expansion of the Klaza Zone Gold-Silver Discovery

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 30, 2012) - Rockhaven Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:RK) ("Rockhaven") is pleased to announce the final 2011 diamond drill results from the Klaza zone gold-silver discovery at its wholly-owned, road accessible Klaza property located in the Dawson Gold Belt of southern Yukon. Highlights are as follows:

  • Significant expansion of the Klaza zone with the drill indicated strike length increased to 850 m, remaining open to expansion in all directions;
  • Mineralization in excess of 1.0 grams gold equivalent/tonne over significant widths (3.04 to 36.50 m) intersected in 36 of 40 diamond drill holes completed in 2010 and 2011;
  • Hole KL-11-56 cut 12.51 m averaging 5.03 g/t gold and 14 g/t silver; and,
  • Klaza zone confirmed to have both bulk tonnage and high-grade structural gold-silver mineralization similar to the adjacent, newly expanded BYG and BRX zones.

The Klaza zone is the most northerly of four parallel gold-silver bearing structural zones identified on the Klaza property. In 2011, it was tested by 10,335 m of diamond drilling in 37 holes. Drill holes that tested the Klaza zone are located approximately 50 m apart. Most are on section lines that comprise 3 to 4 holes that tested to a maximum depth of 250 m down-dip of the surface discovery.

The 2011 diamond drilling intersected significant mineralization along an 850 m strike length within the Klaza zone. The zone remains open for expansion along strike in both directions and at depth. Mineralization exhibits exceptional continuity with 36 of 40 diamond drill holes testing the Klaza zone in 2010 and 2011 intersected at least 1.0 gram gold equivalent/tonne over widths ranging between 3.04 and 36.50 m (average 13.04 m).

Mineralization within the central and western portion of the Klaza zone is hosted within a laterally extensive complex of steeply dipping veins, breccias and sheeted veinlets that are associated with a swarm of quartz-feldspar porphyry dykes. The eastern portion of the zone breaks into two sub-parallel bands. The best mineralization in these bands lies in the main zone which is on the hanging wall side of the dyke swarm.

The BRX zone is the most southerly of the known mineralized zones on the Klaza property. It is a linear gold-silver discovery that parallels the Klaza zone. The BRX zone was tested by nine drill holes on section lines spaced 150 to 225 m apart along a strike length of 1.3 km. Eight of the nine drill holes intersected significant gold-silver mineralization approximately 25 to 150 m down-dip of surface. The BRX zone has been traced over an aggregate strike length of 2 km by diamond drilling and excavator trenching and is open to extension along strike in both directions and down dip. The best drill intercept on the BRX zone in 2011 was 5.43 g/t gold and 50 g/t silver over 14.80 m (see news release dated November 2, 2011).

The BYG zone is a third zone on the property and parallels the Klaza zone, 125 m to the south. The zone demonstrates good grades with continuity along strike and down-dip. Nine of the 2011 diamond drill holes crossed the zone and all intersected significant mineralization, with the best interval grading 6.29 g/t gold and 342 g/t silver across 1.43 m. The BYG zone has been drilled along strike for 350 m and remains open for expansion in all directions.

Individual mineralized intercepts within the Klaza zone are comparable to those in the BRX and BYG zones, with narrower higher-grade intercepts in discrete linear structures that have been traced along the entire length of the drill tested areas. Bulk tonnage potential exists in parts of the Klaza zone, where increased fracturing and brecciation host mineralization across widths of 10 to 75 m.

Results from 2011 diamond drilling at the Klaza and BYG zones are shown in the table below with the significant Klaza zone intersections highlighted in bold text. These results are in addition to holes KL-11-12 to KL-11-20 which targeted the Klaza zone and were previously announced (see news release dated September 15, 2011). All drill hole locations, cross-sections, inclined longitudinal sections and a full compilation of drill hole results can be viewed on the Company's website at

KL-11-21 Klaza 133.00 145.34 12.34 1.25 31 1.87
Including 133.00 134.92 1.92 7.24 176 10.76
And Klaza 166.48 171.88 5.40 2.37 23 2.83
KL-11-25 Klaza 52.48 64.42 11.94 2.31 41 3.13
Including Klaza 52.48 58.75 6.27 4.22 75 5.72
And Footwall 94.70 95.71 1.01 7.48 445 16.38
KL-11-26 Klaza 72.01 83.34 11.33 0.98 15 1.28
KL-11-27 Klaza 101.28 114.33 13.05 2.27 15 2.57
Including 101.28 103.22 1.94 8.56 77 10.10
And Klaza 143.82 170.03 26.21 1.76 26 2.28
Including 144.37 145.16 0.79 27.4 549 38.38
Including 155.93 157.53 1.60 6.43 50 7.43
Including 168.57 170.03 1.46 7.41 54 8.49
And Footwall 211.99 213.43 1.44 10.19 23 10.65
Including 211.99 212.60 0.61 21.3 39 22.08
KL-11-28 Hanging Wall 72.48 75.10 2.62 1.60 32 2.24
And Klaza 202.00 202.63 0.63 5.41 54 6.49
And Klaza 253.66 255.12 1.46 10.25 585 21.95
KL-11-31 Hanging Wall 229.73 231.72 1.99 2.58 19 2.96
And Klaza 248.52 249.53 1.01 5.07 98 6.87
KL-11-32 Hanging Wall 70.36 71.34 0.98 0.68 98 2.64
And Klaza 117.09 118.04 0.98 4.2 16 4.52
And Klaza 122.81 123.43 0.62 2.47 14 2.75
KL-11-34 Hanging Wall 16.52 18.53 2.01 1.48 33 2.14
And Klaza 148.95 157.42 8.47 1.31 66 2.63
Including 156.28 157.42 1.14 5.84 122 8.28
KL-11-36 Klaza 59.42 62.46 3.04 0.41 165 3.71
And Footwall 136.00 138.00 2.00 1.61 102 3.65
And Footwall 174.00 176.02 2.02 1.48 32 2.12
And Footwall 242.71 245.00 2.29 1.37 32 2.01
KL-11-38 Klaza 64.82 84.22 19.40 0.99 25 1.49
Including 66.80 69.70 2.90 2.88 14 3.16
Including 75.38 76.62 1.24 6.00 179 9.58
And Footwall 102.87 104.19 1.32 6.67 94 8.55
And Footwall 115.55 116.77 1.22 3.54 42 4.38
KL-11-40 Klaza 63.33 68.02 4.69 5.39 26 5.91
And Footwall 82.36 83.36 1.00 4.48 5 4.58
And Footwall 130.60 137.68 7.08 0.70 13 0.96
And Footwall 175.65 177.17 1.57 2.06 11 2.28
KL-11-41 Klaza 183.63 193.31 9.68 1.59 9 1.77
And Footwall 207.44 212.58 5.14 1.16 12 1.40
And Footwall 253.31 254.75 1.44 3.09 12 3.33
And Footwall 306.93 308.31 1.38 1.08 17 1.42
And Footwall 340.30 341.30 1.00 2.60 16 2.92
KL-11-43 Hanging Wall 89.44 90.80 1.36 1.95 84 3.63
And Klaza 120.15 135.02 14.87 1.08 18 1.44
And Footwall 149.95 151.66 1.71 3.02 46 3.94
And Footwall 202.59 208.80 6.21 0.93 16 1.25
And Footwall 260.55 262.70 2.15 4.42 12 4.66
KL-11-44 BYG 14.21 17.02 2.81 0.86 9 1.04
80.39 82.19 1.80 1.85 67 3.19
And Hanging Wall 193.00 194.42 1.42 0.50 143 3.36
And Hanging Wall 234.00 235.00 1.00 2.56 3 2.62
And Klaza 291.55 301.70 10.15 2.67 50 3.67
Including 291.55 296.41 4.86 4.76 88 6.52
Footwall 342.96 343.98 1.02 1.63 35 2.33
KL-11-46 Klaza 179.03 204.51 25.48 0.53 11 0.75
Including 179.03 188.15 9.12 0.88 22 1.32
And Footwall 242.90 243.71 0.81 11.95 151 14.97
And Footwall 293.48 294.68 1.20 4.25 16 4.57
KL-11-47 Klaza 57.72 61.48 3.76 6.93 36 7.65
And Klaza 73.86 74.86 1.00 2.79 52 3.83
And Klaza 145.39 157.52 12.13 1.18 14 1.46
Including 156.52 157.52 1.00 9.28 78 10.84
KL-11-48 Hanging Wall 32.61 33.61 1.00 1.63 13 1.89
BYG 188.10 190.94 2.84 2.44 31 3.06
Hole KL-11-48 Terminated Before Testing Klaza Zone
KL-11-50 Hanging Wall 51.05 53.95 2.90 14.05 30 14.65
And Klaza 108.49 125.01 16.52 1.18 6 1.30
And Klaza 199.35 214.22 14.87 1.02 8 1.18
And Footwall 252.02 253.48 1.46 4.71 19 5.09
KL-11-51 BYG 188.36 189.76 1.40 2.15 12 2.39
And BYG 201.81 202.45 0.64 23.60 74 25.08
BYG 218.76 220.13 1.37 7.51 57 8.65
Hole KL-11-51 Terminated Before Testing Klaza Zone
KL-11-52 Klaza 149.24 166.09 16.85 1.20 8 1.36
And Klaza 192.51 193.53 1.02 2.48 49 3.46
And Klaza 257.37 265.55 8.18 2.22 19 2.60
Including 263.08 263.58 0.50 31.10 208 35.30
KL-11-53 Hanging Wall 33.38 34.28 0.90 3.26 4 3.34
And Klaza 45.27 58.26 12.99 0.77 5 0.87
Including 45.27 49.89 4.62 1.41 7 1.55
And Footwall 174.67 176.46 1.79 8.19 30 8.79
KL-11-55 BYG 82.85 84.43 1.50 4.87 35 5.57
And Klaza 244.00 255.34 11.34 0.76 10 0.96
And Klaza 264.46 265.58 1.12 3.08 57 4.22
And Klaza 276.80 284.22 7.42 0.67 46 1.59
And Footwall 308.25 311.22 2.97 2.26 21 2.67
And Footwall 369.64 370.64 1.00 3.37 141 6.19
KL-11-56 Klaza 109.12 121.63 12.51 5.03 14 5.31
And 232.23 233.23 1.00 9.34 76 10.86
KL-11-57 Klaza 60.05 71.95 11.90 0.58 8 0.74
Including 67.63 71.95 4.32 0.96 10 1.16
KL-11-58 BYG 18.62 20.42 1.80 2.79 26 3.31
And Hanging Wall 61.32 62.32 1.00 2.85 47 3.79
And Hanging Wall 70.07 71.35 1.28 13.05 60 14.25
And Klaza 179.28 196.70 17.42 1.50 36 2.22
Including 182.66 184.86 2.20 4.38 192 8.22
Including 187.56 188.96 1.40 5.11 27 5.65
Including 195.70 196.70 1.00 3.81 112 6.05
And Footwall 238.07 239.51 1.44 2.46 28 3.02
And Footwall 248.97 249.97 1.00 5.45 18 5.81
And Footwall 264.20 265.20 1.00 3.66 112 5.90
And Footwall 290.03 291.03 1.00 3.84 44 4.72
KL-11-59 Klaza 107.65 119.22 11.57 0.57 12 0.81
Including 117.67 119.22 1.55 1.20 6 1.32
KL-11-60 Hanging Wall 66.14 67.06 0.92 4.45 6 4.57
And BYG 90.03 96.38 6.35 1.17 16 1.49
And Hanging Wall 133.19 138.01 4.82 1.42 22 1.86
And Hanging Wall 234.62 239.95 5.33 0.82 6 0.94
And Klaza 261.21 265.95 4.74 0.86 17 1.20
And Footwall 293.41 295.33 1.92 1.17 17 1.51
KL-11-61 BYG 15.04 17.47 2.43 2.03 23 2.49
And Hanging Wall 24.28 27.35 3.07 1.76 7 1.90
And Hanging Wall 75.08 82.20 7.12 1.39 19 1.77
And Klaza 160.63 184.90 24.27 1.21 8 1.37
And Footwall 279.86 286.66 6.80 0.81 7 0.95
And Footwall 299.75 301.05 1.30 1.42 105 1.62
And Footwall 308.73 309.98 1.25 2.92 41 3.74
KL-11-62 BYG 51.81 55.40 3.59 3.81 14 4.09
And Klaza 161.03 173.20 12.17 0.65 25 1.15
Including 161.03 163.68 2.65 1.50 71 2.92
And Footwall 275.03 276.03 1.00 1.02 169 4.40
And Footwall 299.05 300.70 1.65 7.17 14 7.45
KL-11-63 BYG 69.77 71.20 1.43 6.29 342 13.13
And Hanging wall 125.41 126.41 1.00 1.84 111 4.06
And Klaza 300.67 310.92 10.25 1.17 15 1.47
Including 300.67 301.67 1.00 8.17 91 9.99
* Represents the drill hole intersection length. True widths are estimated to be approximately 80-90% of the interval.
** Gold equivalent calculations used metal prices of $1600 per ounce gold and $32.00 per ounce silver. They are gross in-situ metal values that do not account for less than complete metallurgical recoveries or costs related to extraction, smelting, refining or taxes.

Reconnaissance Exploration

Reconnaissance exploration was completed in a 3 km by 1 km area west of the known gold zones. This work included 4 diamond drill holes and 21 percussion drill holes, all of which targeted geophysical anomalies similar to those associated with the known zones. New discoveries were made in three holes.

KL-11-42 41.63 42.51 0.88 1.45 30
And 94.82 96.62 1.80 0.01 422
KL-11-45 125.64 127.10 1.46 1.05 51
And 134.95 136.25 1.30 2.94 94
KL-11-49 208.75 209.70 0.95 0.55 140

Excavator trenching was also done with 13 trenches located along the projected extensions of known zones. A number of new discoveries were made, with the most significant results shown in the following table.

TR-11-22 26.50 41.00 14.50 0.79 8
And 335.59 349.48 13.89 1.31 26
TR-11-24 188.46 194.27 5.81 1.89 23
TR-11-26 165.60 180.28 14.68 2.13 8
Including 171.98 176.25 4.27 6.10 19
And 232.00 239.11 7.11 7.17 16
Including 232.00 234.00 2.00 23.90 40
TR-11-28 170.98 172.94 1.96 2.05 163
TR-11-30 62.50 63.80 1.30 4.87 634
TR-11-33 103.62 112.62 9.00 1.25 177

Results from trenches that tested the western extension of the Klaza zone indicate that the zone bifurcates into a series of discrete gold bearing structures. Four trenches in this area, which were spaced 100 m apart, all intersected high grade gold and silver veins along strike of the Klaza zone. Vein exposures graded from 4.87 g/t gold and 634 g/t silver across 1.30 m to 1.25 g/t gold and 177 g/t silver over 9.00 m.

One trench that tested the eastern extension of the Klaza zone (TR-11-26) returned 7.17 g/t gold and 16 g/t silver over 7.11 m. It was cut 20 m east of the most easterly drill hole. Combined drill and trench results indicate a total known strike length of 1,100 m for the Klaza zone.

The Klaza property hosts four parallel, 1 to 75 m wide, structural zones of gold-silver mineralization. All zones consist of quartz-sulphide veins, breccias and fracture networks, which are spatially associated with quartz-feldspar porphyry dykes that intrude granitic country rocks. The zones exhibit exceptional lateral continuity and, based on geophysical and geochemical evidence they collectively form a 1.5 km wide by 8 km long northwesterly-trending structural corridor. The zones exhibit features typical of both epithermal and mesothermal mineralization.

Core samples from the Klaza property were processed in 36 sample batches with each batch including two assay standards, two blank samples, and one duplicate sample. Trench and reverse circulation drill samples from the property were processed in 36 sample batches with each batch including one assay standards and one blank sample. Analytical work was done by ALS Chemex with sample preparation in Whitehorse and assays and geochemical analyses in North Vancouver. All samples were initially analyzed for gold by fire assay followed by atomic absorption (Au-AA24) and 35 other elements by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ME-ICP41). Overlimit values for gold were determined by fire assay and gravimetric finish (Au-GRA22) and silver values were determined using Ag-OG46. All gold and silver grades reported in this release were calculated from the assay results. All standard, blank and duplicate samples passed QAQC reviews.

The 2011 program was conducted by Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited. Technical information in this news release has been reviewed by Heather Smith, B.Sc., P.Geo., a qualified person for the purpose of National Instrument 43-101.

Rockhaven Resources Ltd. is well funded company focused on growth through exploration of its own projects and continues to work towards adding new advanced stage projects to its portfolio.

For additional information concerning Rockhaven Resources Ltd. or its various exploration projects please visit the Company's website at

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Contact Information:

Rockhaven Resources Ltd.
Matthew Turner

Company ProfileRockhaven Resources Ltd.