Reunion Gold Provides an Update on Its Matthews Ridge Project Including Results at Pipiani and Arakaka

LONGUEUIL, CANADA--(Marketwire - Feb. 13, 2013) - Reunion Gold Corporation (TSX VENTURE:RGD) ("Reunion or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on its Matthews Ridge Project and to report on exploration activities at the Pipiani and Arakaka manganese prospects, which are part of the Matthews Ridge Project in northwest Guyana, South America.

The Company has concluded the first phase of exploration programs of the Pipiani and Arakaka prospects, aiming at discovering and defining manganese resources for the project. The programs were initiated in the third quarter of 2012 and are continuing in 2013.

The exploration database and geological modeling of the Matthews Ridge Project, including the data for the Pipiani and Arakaka prospects described below, have been delivered to an independent "Qualified Person" (as defined under Canadian National Instrument 43-101), with the objective of completing an initial resource estimate by the end of February 2013.

Pipiani prospect

The Pipiani prospect is located 65 km to the southeast of Matthews Ridge in rocks with notable similarities to those hosting the well-explored Matthews Ridge manganese deposit. The exploration program has to date confirmed the occurrence of detrital and bedrock manganese mineralization in a NW-SE trending area 5 km in length. The current program places emphasis on the delineation of the spatial extent and grade of the mineralized cover rocks (the so-called detrital material), while recording the presence of mineralized saprolite (weathered bedrock), principally by pitting and trenching.

The results of the evaluation program of mineralized cover rocks are summarized in the accompanying map (Figure 1) and Table 1. Relatively high grade and easily extractible manganese detrital material is developed on the top surfaces and on slopes of hills in Pipiani zones 1, 2 and 3. This cover mineralization is distributed widely over the prospect in patches 100 m to 400 m wide, while straddling the main ridge for an aggregate strike length of about 2.5 km. These deposits were derived by the weathering of bedded mineralized bedrock, which were enriched as a result of oxidation and supergene enrichment under a tropical climate. Sampling of the detrital material was done on trenches approximately 200 m apart and sampled every 50 m along their length. This was further augmented by pits spaced roughly 50 m by 50 m covering the area. The detrital zones are subdivided into five separate zones due to the non-uniform depth distribution of the detrital material and the blocks contain results using a 4% cut-off (Figure 1).

Table 1 - Pipiani prospect - detrital pitting results
Zone & block No. of pits Average
thickness (m)
grade (Mn %)
3 - 1 56 1.32 135 16.31
2 - 2 10 0.90 32 13.61
2 - 3 48 0.97 177 14.43
1 - 4 75 1.60 274 16.01
1 - 5 57 1.18 279 14.56
Total & average 246 1.28 896 14.98

The first phase trenching program, oriented transverse to the prevailing structures, was designed to establish the existence of the mineralisation along strike, while attempting to define controls on its localisation. Sixteen trenches, dug to an average depth of 2.5 m and totalling 3,139 m, were sampled on zones 1 to 3. Highlights of the assay results in the trenches, where the average grade over a mineralized interval of a minimum of 3 m exceeded 7% Mn, are presented in Table 2 below.

Table 2 - Pipiani Prospect - Highlights of new trench results
Trench Target Total Length Manganese intersection Grade
(area) (m) From
Length (m) Mn
TR_003PI PZ3 397.69 53 80 27 23.16
TR_003PI 92 142 50 16.5
TR_003PI 147 155 8 13.7
TR_003PI 200 228 28 12.97
TR_003PI 253 256 3 13.62
TR_004PI PZ3 353.31 218 229 11 8.27
TR_007PI PZ1 379.39 21 25 4 24.67
TR_007PI 258 280 22 7.3
TR_007PI 283 294 11 12.2
TR_007PI 329 338 9 11.63
TR_007EXTPI PZ1 190 121 128 7 7.44
TR_008PI PZ1 273.48 75 106 31 12.79
TR_010PI PZ1 380.91 270 295 25 13.7
TR_010PI 308 325 16 27.41
TR_011PI PZ1 338.05 11 23 12 14.61
TR_011PI 128 148 20 9.39
TR_011PI 154 165 11 9.06
TR_011PI 180 224 44 14.68
TR_011PI 240 276 36 25.66
TR_011PI 301 307 6 9.1
TR_012PI PZ1 145 6 9 3 10.95
TR_012PI 43 58 15 12.78
TR_012PI 70 84 14 25.24
TR_012PI 104 120 16 16.42
TR_013PI PZ1 214.38 21 25 4 9.86
TR_013PI 55 86 31 12.05
TR_014PI PZ2 83 59 83 24 16.11
TR_016PI PZ2 42 0 26 26 27.69

The exposed bed rock mineralization in Pipiani is 30 to 60 m wide and with an aggregate length of approximately 2,000 m. The bedded mineralization occurs as a banded and sometimes massive manganese formation and manganiferous phyllite.

Arakaka prospect

The Arakaka prospect is the eastern continuation of the Matthews Ridge manganese mineralization. Reconnaissance and a detailed exploration programs have indicated the occurrence of detrital and bedded manganese mineralization in a NE-SW trending sets of hills. The mineralized area covers approximately 5 km in length.

The results of the evaluation program of the mineralized cover rocks (detrital and duricrust) are summarized in the accompanying map (Figure 2) and Table 3. The manganese detrital materials are developed on the top surfaces and on slopes of hills, is distributed widely over the prospect from 100 m to 200 m wide, following the ridge crest for an aggregate about 3 km strike length.

Table 3 - Arakaka Prospect - detrital pitting results
Target & block No. of pits Average
thickness (m)
grade (Mn %)
ASW1-1 6 0.82 30 10.21
ASW1 -2 16 0.66 79 5.03
ASE1 -3 22 0.63 67 8.79
ASE2&3 -4 40 0.85 118 11.02
ASE4 -5 5 1.19 24 10.69
Total & average 89 0.78 317 9.15

A trenching program exposed significant bedded manganese intersections, indicating a strike length of approximately 3 km. The bedded mineralization occurs as a banded and sometimes massive manganese formation, and manganiferous phyllite. Assay results for trenches 1 to 16 have been received. Highlights of the assay results in the trenches, where the average grade over a mineralized interval of a minimum of 3 m exceeded 7% Mn, are presented in Table 4 below.

Table 4 - Arakaka Prospect - Highlights of new trench results
Trench Target Total Length Manganese intersection Grade
(area) (m) From
Length (m) Mn
TR_001AS ASE1 150 97 102 5 11.34
TR_001AS 108 123 15 7.71
TR_003AS ASE1 50.8 6 12 6 7.16
TR_003AS 29 43 14 9.26
TR_004AS ASE2_3 105 88 96 8 30.45
TR_005AS ASE1 76 22 25 3 8.83
TR_005AS 32 38 6 8.72
TR_007AS ASE1 42 11 21 10 9.68
TR_010AS ASE2_3 140.51 46 62 16 20.46
TR_014AS ASE4 237.19 68 81 13 12.02
TR_014AS 140 143 3 11.35
TR_014AS 156 168 12 13.6
TR_016AS ASE2_3 7 0 7 7 18.54

The exposed bedrock mineralization in the Arakaka prospect is approximately 10 to 30 m wide and approximately 3000 m long in aggregate, but disrupted by NW and NE striking faults (Figure 2). This mineralization is open to the northeast direction as depicted by the presence of fragmented manganiferous boulders or duricrust.

Quality assurance and quality control

Standard reference materials, internal standards, blanks and duplicate samples have been used to control laboratory accuracy and precision. Samples are being processed by FILAB Guyana, an independently managed laboratory on site, the methodology comprising of crushing to minus 2 mm and pulverization passing 200 mesh, followed by XRF assays for manganese and other relevant oxides. Representative samples are also being processed by a scrubbing / jigging pilot plant operated by FILAB under the supervision of GMining Services (an independent consulting firm), as part of the metallurgical testing of mineralized materials.

Carlos H. Bertoni, P. Geo., a qualified person as defined under the terms of NI 43-101, has verified the data and approved the technical information contained in this press release.

About the Company

Reunion Gold Corporation is a mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties in the Guyana Shield of South America. The Company through its 100% indirectly owned subsidiary Reunion Manganese Inc., has assembled a large, strategic land position to conduct exploration and development activities for manganese in the North West District of Guyana. The Company also has the right to acquire a 100% interest in a gold exploration project located in the Lely Mountain area in Eastern Suriname.

Manganese is the fourth largest metal consumed in the world, behind iron, aluminum and copper. It is a key component in steel and iron production with no viable substitute.

Additional information about the Company is available on SEDAR at and at

Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking information. Although the Company believes in light of the experience of its officers and directors, current conditions and expected future developments and other factors that have been considered appropriate that the expectations reflected in this forward-looking information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. Forward looking information in this news release includes statements regarding the results of the exploration activities and interpretation of such results, the nature, potential size and continuity of the mineralization system, the timing and completion of future work programs, mineral resource estimate and geological modelling. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking information. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date hereof and the Company undertakes no obligations to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws.

Figure 1 (Map of Pipiani Prospect) and Figure 2 (Map of Arakaka Prospect) are available at this address:

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Contact Information:

James Crombie
President and Chief Executive Officer
+1 450.677.2585
+1 450.677.2601 (FAX)

Company ProfileReunion Gold Corporation